Thursday, 18 February 2010


Gimme!, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Ted's always pinching poor old Ben's ball!


Sam b&w, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

This is Sam - Teddy's friend but Angel's 'other half'!

Our two Tora-doodles!

Angel and Ted 2, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Angel in front and Teddy behind. Angel seems to suit being in black and white....

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Beautiful Ted

Beautiful Ted, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

My latest attempt at photo effects!

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Snow-eyed Teddy!

snow-eyed Teddy 1, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

This is my favourite photo of Teddy, taken after he did his usual snow-plough impression! I don;t think he even noticed that he couldn't see! As you may gather, he totally adores the snow.


Angel, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

This is an 'arty' pic of Angel, another of Teddy's housemates. She is also a three year old F1 labradoodle, just like Sam, and she loves agility.


Sam, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

This is Sam, one of Teddy's housemates. He's a three year old F1 labradoodle and is also a Therapet!