Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Erm...watcha doin Ted?

Erm...watcha doin Ted?, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Not sure what the lad is up to here - perhaps he really does think he's a bear! He's alway making me laugh with his antics!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Old Sea Dog

Old Sea Dog, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Ben is 14, and is Teddy's best friend and playmate!!!


Teddy, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

After a good roll in what Ted thinks is his very own sandpit!


Teddy, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Another golf course photo! Teddy covered in leaves and twigs - as usual!


Teddy, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Enjoying his walk on the golf course

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Angel at 6 weeks

Angel at 6 weeks, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Looking back through some older photos I foud this one of Angel at 6 weeks old! She is so cute! She's 3 now, the oldest of the doodles, but still smaller than Teddy or Sam.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Oh Teddy!

Oh Teddy!, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

My gorgeous boy - with added decoration!!! Taken at Newhailes today.


threesome, originally uploaded by JacquiandTeddy.

Teddy with Ben and Kerouak on Portobello Beach!